This week we had the opportunity to engage in a fun Pinterest challenge, developing and creating a vision board! As usual, Dr. Dennen set the stage for week 5, providing a detailed overview of our course blog site. Week 5 included yet another challenge that could lead to a badge; as I enter each week with possible challenges, I often read over them and decide if my week is divinely aligned. Divinely aligned means I have the time to complete and engage fully in the challenge. One of the challenges for this week focused on creating a vision board using Pinterest. I never thought about using Pinterest in this way, but while reading the challenge description, I knew that this is something I would be interested in participating in. Whenever I think about vision boards, I instantly think of "new year, new me" mindsets and Raven Symoné on That's So Raven. Who doesn't love a fresh start?
At the beginning of the Spring 2023 semester, my doctoral cohort held a first-year doctoral student program, "Professional/Doctoral Journey Vision Board Party." As the doctoral first-year representative, I co-created a program that focused on building community with students in the first-year cohort. Thanks to a very special cohort mate and friend, Gabrielle Haggins, who is in EME6414, we came up with the idea as we felt this was so important for us to have as doctoral students along this journey. Professional vision boards included milestones and goals we want to achieve while in the Ph.D. program. Also, folks like Ravi Bhatt, who is in EME6414, also participated in our cohort vision board party. Like the vision board I did in the Spring, my vision board for EME6414 focused on my doctoral journey. Pinterest allowed me to be more creative, as many of my images were thoughtful and more intentional. This is one perk for a vision board using a digital platform like Pinterest. There are endless opportunities to be creative. During the vision board party in the Spring, we were limited with our image selections based on the magazines we had access to. I liked this challenge because I could reimagine how my doctoral journey is going and how I would like it to go, being able to "speak things into existence" or "Manifest." My vision board included 1) a new wardrobe; I am hoping to redesign my brand with a new closet full of clothes that are suited for teaching, conferences, and everyday social life; 2) publishing book chapters or journal articles; I want to continue to develop and contribute to higher education scholarship, specifically leadership studies research regarding teaching and Black male leadership; and 3) All Things Leadership; where I have some thoughtful leadership quotes/phrases along with images that represent leadership to me.
I love this Johnnie Allen, great seg way back into getting accustomed to Pinterest again! This activity definitely reminded me of the professional vision board party for our cohort. This felt so natural to me and it did to you too once you got the hang of it! I also loved your Pinterest board you made! great job.